Designing a glass mounted warning system to prevent drivers to fall in sleep based on neck posture and blinking duration

Niloufar Teyfouri, Hossein Shirvani, Alireza Shamsoddini

DOI: 10.4103/jmss.JMSS_31_20


Background: In this study, an electronic system based on driver's neck position and blinking duration is designed to help prevent car crashed due to driver drowsiness. When a driver falls in sleep his/her head is felled down. Hence, driver's neck posture can be a good sign of sleep which is measured utilizing a two?dimensional accelerator. However, this sign is not enough because he/she may need to look down during a drive and alarming driver by every moving down of head can be annoying. Methods: Thus, in this system, we used blinking duration too. When a person is awake, blinks more frequently than when he is drowsy. Result: As a result, in this system, blinking is detected using an infrared transceiver and if both conditions, i.e., neck posture and blinking duration are showing signs of sleep mode, driver will be alarmed. Conclusion: In this study, it is designed 2D accelerometer and IR sensor based system to measure the driver's neck angle and detect driver's blinking to realize the drowsiness of vehicle drivers and alert them using these signs of drowsiness.


Accelerometer, blink duration, driver drowsiness

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