Development of a Permanent Device for Fertility Period Detection by Basal Body Temperature and Analysis of the Cervical Mucus Potential of Hydrogen

Sofiene Mansouri

DOI: DOI: 10.4103/jmss.JMSS_18_20


Background: Sometimes, women find it difficult to conceive a baby and others use contraceptives that often have side effects. Researchers have already established the importance of measuring basal body temperature (BBT) and the potential of hydrogen (pH). Method: We have designed and realized a device that allows the simultaneous measurement of the BBT and the pH. We used an Arduino Uno board, a pH sensor, and a temperature sensor. The device communicates with a smartphone, can be integrated into all e-health platforms, and can be used at home. We validated our ovulation detector by a measurement campaign on a group of twenty women. If the pH is >7 and at the same time, the BBT is minimum and <36.5C, the women is in ovulation phase. If the pH is <=7 and in the same time, the BBT is between 36.5C and 37C, the women are in preovulation or follicular phase. If the pH is <=7 and in the same time, the BBT is >36.5C, the women are in postovulation or luteal phase. Results: We tested the contraceptive aspect of our ovulometer on a set of seven women. We also tested the help of conceiving babies by having intercourse during the ovulation period fixed by our ovulation detector. The results are satisfactory. Conclusions: In the final version of our device, we displayed just in fertility period if the pH is >=7 and the BBT is <36.5C else we displayed in nonfertility period.


Cervical mucus, contraception, ovulation, pH sensor, temperature sensor

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