Providing a Four-layer Method Based on Deep Belief Network to Improve Emotion Recognition in Electroencephalography in Brain Signals

Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavinasr, Ali Pourmohammad, Mohammad Sadegh Moayed Saffari

DOI: 10.4103/jmss.JMSS_34_17


Background: One of the fields of research in recent years that has been under focused is emotion recognition in electroencephalography (EEG) signals. This study provides a four-layer method to improve people's emotion recognition through these signals and deep belief neural networks. Methods: In this study, DEAP dataset is used and a four-layer method includes (1) preprocessing, (2) extracting features, (3) dimension reduction, and (4) emotion identification and estimation. To find the optimal choice in some of the steps of these layers, different tests have been conducted. In this study, three different tests have been conducted. The first is finding the perfect window in feature extraction section that resulted in superiority of Hamming window to the other windows. The second is choosing the most appropriate number of filter bank and the best result was 26. The third test was also emotion recognition that its accuracy was 92.93 for arousal dimension, 92.64 for valence dimension, and 93.14 for dominance dimension in two-class experiment and 76.28 for the arousal, 74.83 for the valence, and 75.64 for dominance in three-class experiment. Results: The results of this method show an improvement of 12.34% and 7.74% in two- and three-class levels in the arousal dimension. This improvement in the valence is 12.77 and 8.52, respectively. Conclusion: The results show that the proposed method can be used to improve the accuracy of emotion recognition.


Deep belief neural network; deep neural network; electroencephalography; emotion recognition; independent component analysis

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